Syngonium Confetti - 10cm pot Folia House
Syngonium Confetti - 10cm pot Folia House
Syngonium Confetti - 10cm pot Folia House
Syngonium Confetti - 10cm pot Folia House
Syngonium Confetti - 10cm pot Folia House
Syngonium Confetti - 10cm pot Folia House

Syngonium Confetti - 10cm pot

$8.00 Sale Save

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Product size

Pot diameter - 10cm. Total height: 25cm.

Plant care


These plants do well in low-to-medium light settings and thrive in bright, indirect light. They do not like exposure to direct sunlight. If you are only able to provide low-to-medium light conditions, you may do better with one of the deeper green cultivars. These tend to do better in shaded conditions.


The soil should be kept lightly moist during spring and summer and slightly drier during the fall and winter months. Don’t let it become completely dry. The plant is undemanding when it comes to watering, but does prefer high humidity, so it’s a good idea to place container plants on a bed of wet pebbles. Mist hanging baskets frequently. Water moderately throughout the growing season and reduce watering during cooler months.


As a semi-tropical vine, arrowhead plants prefer warm, humid conditions. Try not to allow temperatures to drop below 60° degrees Fahrenheit.


Feed using a balanced liquid houseplant food on a regular basis during the spring and summer. Follow package directions closely.


Use a rich potting mix that offers superior draining and aerating capabilities.


It is easy to root Syngonium from a cutting during the growing season. Cut sections of stem containing root nodes and place them in clean water to grow roots. If you see that your plant has developed aerial roots on the stem, you can be certain that stem section will root easily.


Be advised that every part of the Syngonium plant is toxic or poisonous. If you have house pets, take care to keep the plant out of reach. The plant tends to drop leaves, so be vigilant about keeping shed leaves picked up.


Within 50km from Melbourne CBD.

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